Contact us:
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Phone: | +31-614023357 |
Correspondence: |
Postbus 321 2270 AH Voorburg |
Address: (on appointment only) |
Vrouw Avenweg 708 2493 WZ Den Haag |
During his 5 Atlantic crossing and many more longer sailing trips, Bojan has developed a huge knowledge on what makes the life of a cruising sailor easier and nicer. Out of passion for blue water sailing and doing so in comfort and safety, Bomarine offers a wide range of blue water optimised products.
Bojan has been Yachtmaster Ocean since 2006 and is part of the ARC (Atlantic Rally for Cruisers) Safety Inspection Team since 2009.
Feel free to contact us with all your questions.
Bojan Michiels van Kessenich Directeur |